
Are you an outdoor athlete that wants to help others in their time of need? BUSAR recruits should have a minimum of ten years outdoor experience and superior levels of fitness. Preference will be given to candidates that have backgrounds in off-trail hiking, emergency medicine (EMT-P), search and rescue, technical rescue, and swiftwater rescue experience. Only local applicants will be considered. The application process is as follows:

1. Complete  BUSAR Resume Template

2. Make sure you have completed the following and include your certs with your application:       

3. Include a current emergency medicine certification (minimum standard is first aid and CPR) if available.

4. Include any other relevant certifications

5. Include two professional references

6. Email your resume and certifications to

7. After your resume is reviewed, you may be invited to interview with a team and/or board member.

8. After your interview you may be invited to take our fitness test which includes the following:

  • 3 mile pack test with 45 pounds in under 45 minutes (USFS pack test), followed by additional 30 minutes up and over a picnic table with your SAR Pack (~ 20 lbs.) and a 45# kettlebell or dumbbell

  • 225 pound trap bar deadlift - as many reps as you can do with good form in 1 minute - minimum 15

  • Burpee pack pullups - as many reps as you can do in 10 minutes with your SAR pack (~ 20 lbs.) - minimum 50

9. Afterwards, candidates may be invited to participate in a 6 month probationary membership. During that time candidates will need to provide their own operational gear.

BUSAR Foundation does not and shall not discriminate membership on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity, in any of its activities or operations.
